Friday, September 28, 2012

The Magician Theory

A colleague and I began a marathon last month--a T.C. Boyle marathon. To say this writer is prolific is putting it mildly.

I started with "The Inner Circle," then moved to "The Road to Wellville." She is also on her third. But strangely enough, we are both having the same phenomenon happen.

Friend and I are both voracious readers. We can cruise through multiple books a week. (Do not judge social life. Other than walking sheepdog and hosting really fun conversations, reading is about all I want to have time for.)

And yet, despite our voraciousness, despite how we happily salivate at the amount of pages being above 400, we trudge through TC Boyle novels. Not because they are not engaging--quite the opposite. His books are quirky and well-written and thought-provoking. But when we retire for the day and pick up our TC Boyle paperback, whichever one we are currently on, the pages seem to multiply. The chapters become longer, the page number increases.

My theory is this: Boyle has cast some sort of spell on the books. Have you seen his photo? He resembles some sort of magician, so I don't think I'm that far off.

If anyone out there is a Boyle scholar, and has the answer to why or how the stories linger, please post a comment below. In the meantime, I stick to my Magician Theory.

by Pablo Campos, Los Angeles CA, 2000

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